“It was said that the veil between this world and the next was at its thinnest on the night of All Hallows Eve.”


Welcome to the Order of the Thinned Veil!

  We are a society of like-minded individuals who choose to live our lives steeped in the legends, lore and customs of Halloween. What does that mean? Well, for us Halloween is anything but just a day in October, it is a lifestyle and a lens by which we view the world around us.

The Order of the Thinned Veil is a tiered style of membership for the year. There are four levels of membership and each has it’s own set of perks such as exclusive illustrations, sculptures, a newsletter, certificates and contests!   

 Members will occasionally have access to exclusive items available ONLY to current Order of the Thinned Veil members.

Options for membership are as follows and are a ONE TIME FEE. This is NOT a recurring monthly subscription. Once you sign up, you’re a member for the year of 2025!

Just to clarify a few points:

  • The Order of the Thinned Veil is meant to be a year long Halloween experience. If you sign up at the All Hallows level for example, you’ll be receiving multiple shipments throughout the year, not everything all at once. Candy Corn levels will all ship out together first in June, followed by Trick or Treat in Early Summer and All Hallows in the Fall. This was always the original conception and may not have been clear last year. Halloween should be celebrated all year long!

  • Memberships are for the calendar year of 2025. Whether you sign up today or next month, all memberships expire on December 31st.

  • You can upgrade your membership level at any time! Just shoot us an email at theorderofthethinnedveil@gmail.com and we’ll take care of it.

Welcome to Order of the Thinned Veil: Year Nine

I feel like we say it every year, but holy smokes—nine years of OTV?! Creating the work for this has become the artistic highlight of both of our years, and we sincerely thank you all for returning each year to see what we’ve come up with!

Unfortunately, we once again find ourselves in uncertain and strange times, but here at the Order of the Thinned Veil, we hope to provide a warm, orange glow filled with Halloween artwork and at least a hint of All Hallows nostalgia to keep the midnight bogies at bay.

Due to unforeseen current and potential future developments, we will not be able to offer membership packages outside of the U.S. this year. We’d hate to promise you a spot and then be unable to ship it due to restrictions beyond our control.

On a positive note, we hope you enjoy what we’ve put together for this latest year of OTV. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to either of us.

Now, let’s kick off the Halloween festivities!

Jason & Sam


Candy Corn Level

The Candy Corn level is our basic membership package and includes the following:

“Jack O’Lantern Planchette” by Jason McKittrick – “What if there were a special Ouija planchette that could contact the spirits of All Hallows’ Eve past?”

Cast in solid black resin and hand painted with pewter and copper acrylic paint. (Measures 6” across)

“Night Jaunt” by Sam Heimer – “Night Jaunt” is a playful little study on dark things moving in dark spaces. Is this jolly fella sauntering or levitating? Coming, going, or stationary? How often in the month of October do you have to wait for something unidentifiable to cross a distant light source to clock its movement and attempt to identify what, if anything, is shambling around in the gloom?

Digital Print, 5×7

OTV Enamel Membership Pin – The official seal of the Order of the Thinned Veil for 2025 and symbol of membership.

2025 Welcome Letter – Lisa Morton, author of The Halloween Encyclopedia, Trick or Treat: A History of Halloween and Ghosts: A Haunted History. Lisa returns again this year with a nostalgic look back at the history of Halloween masks for 2025. (If you don’t already own them, Lisa’s books are required reading for any OTV member!)

Order of the Thinned Veil Membership Certificate – Proof that you’re a card-carrying member in the OTV for 2025! Hand inscribed and signed by founders Jason McKittrick and Sam Heimer.

*The Candy Corn Membership Package is 1 shipment. *

$90 (One time fee)

Trick or Treat Level

The Trick or Treat Level is our mid-range membership package and includes: All items from Candy Corn Level plus the following items:

“High Priest of Halloween” by Jason McKittrick – “A figure often sighted by those with the right kind of eyes on the night of October 31st, the High Priest of Halloween presides over the sacred rituals of All Hallows: trick-or-treating, pumpkin carving, telling ghost stories, costume making, and visiting haunted places or graveyards. Legend states that the High Priest of Halloween is a minion of Lantern Jack, while others claim they are one and the same.”

Cast in solid black resin and individually hand painted (Stands 4.75”)

“For Your Viewing Pleasure” by Sam Heimer – “For Your Viewing Pleasure” was my attempt to illustrate a calm Halloween moment when the body is still but the imagination is running rampant and unhinged. I spend a lot of time in bed not moving, not sleeping, the eyes are trained on a screen but registering nothing because the mind is elsewhere, somewhere darker, bloodier.

Digital Print, 8×10

*The Trick or Treat Membership Package is broken up into three separate shipments. *

$200 (One time fee)

All Hallows Level

The All Hallows Level is one of our top-tier membership options and includes all items from Candy Corn and Trick or Treat Levels plus the following items:

“Skull Bogie” by Jason McKittrick – “There’s an old legend that states that on Halloween night, a bogie can be found on every fence post and Jack-o’-lantern. This skeletal fellow enjoys tricks rather than treats and has frightened more than his fair share of costumed revelers since the very first Halloween was celebrated.” Dedicated to Kristina “Razzmatazz” McKittrick

Cast in solid black resin and individually hand painted (Stands 4.75”)

“Grim Input” by Sam Heimer – “Grim Input” can be taken at face-value. Every time someone is fooling around with an Ouija board in film, TV, or literature, I want to be able to put on “They Live” like- glasses and see the horde of spirits huddled around the players trying to have their voices heard. I like to image around Halloween every Ouija board session comes with an unseen mob of spectators, as though attending a prize-fight, shouting and flailing and frenzied.

Digital Print, 9×12 Signed and numbered

The Order of the Thinned Veil Title– Jason and Sam will bestow upon you a personalized title within the Order. No two are the same!

*The All Hallows Membership Package is broken up into four separate shipments. *

$300 (One time fee)

Jack O’Lantern Level

The Jack O’Lantern level is an exclusive platinum tier membership and is limited to ONLY 31 slots! It includes all items mentioned above plus the following:

“The Fortuneteller” by Jason McKittrick – “In a haunted and forgotten hollow, an ancient, gnarled stump sits, bearing what some claim is a sentient face. According to local folklore, on Halloween night, a great owl descends from the sky and perches upon the stump, at which point the face comes alive and begins to speak in the primordial language of autumn. As an ambassador of the Underworld, the owl interprets these messages from the ancient stump and translates them into modern human speech. Those who know the location of the stump and have performed the appropriate rituals are said to hear their fortunes read aloud by this haunting duo. Some receive messages of prosperity, while others hear prophecies of doom.”

Cast in solid black resin and individually hand painted. (Stands 6”) Includes LED candle with replaceable battery.

“Up, Over and Out” by Sam Heimer – “Up, Over, and Out” is an attempt to toy with the idea of the thinning of the veil and how it metaphysically might work. Is it a slow phase-into-view, the spirits already present but appearing at the zenith of Halloween and the most thread-bare of the veil, or is it an actual journey for the dead, traversing a land of shadows. Following fabric trails to a sort of portal via Jack O’lantern? I like the idea of things spilling forth from pumpkins at midnight on Halloween like the nocturnal animals flowing from the man in Goya’s ’Sleep of Reason…’

Digital Print, 8×10 Signed and numbered


* The Jack O’Lantern Level is five separate shipments. *

$425 (One time fee)



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If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us at theorderofthethinnedveil@gmail.com

Jason McKittrick & Sam Heimer